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This tutorial illustrates the use of a header,body,and footer to explain arrays with hyperlinks programming. In particular the use of hyperlinks associated with an array and/or function shuffel for pictures order (Shuffel, Alphabetical, Reverse).

Output Buffering(output control) allows you to write and execute your scripts as normal but send data to the web browser at selected times. The main benifit of the system is you can call the header(), setcookies(), and session_start() functions at nearly any spot in your script without concern for the headers already sent error message. At the conclusion of the script call the ob_end_flush or ob_end _clean to send the accumulated buffer to the browser.

From a programmers perspective output buffering allows you to structure your script in a more linear form, without concern for HTTP headers.

The index.php begins calling the header.inc file which has start output buffering on "ob_start( );" to eliminate any header errors. Important attention is paid to how the $pictures[$i] is escaped from the html code to call the php5 function_shuffle results. In php4 the results were less then desirable. Not working or not effiently shuffling them in which case the function array_rand( ) will work because your not reordering the entire array.

Do Not Copy Code below. The tags contains white spaces and will not execute.    Copy & Paste Code   

< ?php #1.0.0 header.inc

08/08 Script Created by admin@inetmodel.com
/* Tutorial script function_Shuffel__pictures_with_hyperLinks random generated.
/*instructs the use of an array with the function shuffel with hyperlinks to pictures.

// ob_start() eliminates any error problems with the pages header error message
//output buffering allows you to structure your script in a more linear form



< html>
< head>
< ?php

//Numbered pictures array used for the function shuffel. Pictures stored in the images folder

$pictures = array('01.jpg','02.jpg','03.jpg','04.jpg','05.jpg',



< /head>
< body>

                           < !--- end of header.inc ---!>

< ?php #1.0.0 index.php

//Sets page title and contains opening html, header, and body tags.



< Center>
< table hieght=60% width=40%>
< tr>

//The number 6 represents the number of pictures returned.
//This could be any number of images you want returned

for( $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)

echo '"< td align=center width = 60%>< a target="_blank" href="images/';
echo $pictures[ $i];
echo '" width="100" height= "73">< img src="images/';
echo $pictures[$i];
echo '" width= "100" height= "73">< /td>';

ob_end_flush ?>
< /tr>
< /table>
< font color=white size=3>New Images "Refresh Page" (F5) < /font>< /center>';

                           < !--- end of index.php ---!>

< ?php #1.0.0 footer.inc

//contains body and html closing tags.

